Simplify and optimize your tax processes, ensuring compliance with local regulations.
Know MoreSimplify Electronic
Invoice Issuance
Our solution overcomes the complexity of Brazilian regulations, offering a robust system for issuing electronic invoices, fulfilling tax obligations and improving the management of operations.

Add Value Through
Innovative solutions
We are committed to quality and continually look for ways to optimize our clients’ processes.Here are some key features that add value to our projects:
adopted the national NFS-e model
emissions using the national model
for those who issue incorrect NF-e
Adoption Journey
Adoption Journey
Having a solid foundation and an experienced partner can help you adopt SAP DRC eInvoicing for Brazil.

Ensure compliance with SEFAZ regulations for issuing NFe, CTe and MDFe in all Brazilian states.
Comprehensive coverage of the NFS approval process in more than 3,500 municipalities.
Issuing service invoices in SAP ERP automatically generates the XML and integrates it with DRC Outbound, eliminating manual steps.
Complete submission of SPED files due to lack of manual intervention in tax documents.
- Active search for NFSes issued under your CNPJ in all municipalities that use web services
Receipt and validation of NFSes in DRC Inbound
E-mail notifications for tax documents with inconsistencies.
- Automated receipt of NFe, CTe and NFSe adapted to your current business practices.
Functionalities that dynamically keep pace with the evolution of your business and market demands.